Class SurrogateCalls


public abstract class SurrogateCalls
extends java.lang.Object

Abstract aspect for use with the Surrogate framework. This aspect provides the standard interaction with the SurrogateManager. Instead of coding relatively complex advices, the user only needs to create a concrete implementation of the SurrogateCalls advice, and implement the mockPointcut pointcut. The advices then handles the standard processing towards the SurrogateManager.

An example implementation is

     aspect MyCalls extends SurrogateCalls {
       protected pointcut mockPoincut() : 
           execution(* com.mycompany.MyClass.getOrder(..) ) ||
           call (* ||
           call(* java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis())
         ) ;
and an example "difficult-to-test or mock" java class is:
    package com.mycompany;
    public class MyClass {
      public static final Order getOrder(String orderId) {
        Writer out = new BufferedWriter(
               new FileWriter("D:/production/customer_name.log"));
        return new Order(System.currentTimeMillis());
Since the method is final and contains calls to external, varying entities (system time and external file), it is normally difficult to 1) replace the "getOrder" method by a mock and 2) test the internals of the method. Surrogate provides a solution to this problem. The advice would, when woven with the "classes-under-test", allow you to substitute mock objects for the following:

Pointcut Summary
protected mockPointcut()
            Defines the pointcut allowing to substitute method return values with a mock object implementation or to substitute a method call or method execution with a MockMethod.

Advice Summary
around(): mockPointcut..
            Executes when a mockPointcut pointcut is detected.


Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Pointcut Detail


Defines the pointcut allowing to substitute method return values with a mock object implementation or to substitute a method call or method execution with a MockMethod. Resulting implementations of this pointcut must be method or constructor pointcuts.

Note: If you define a pointcut on a method returning, say java.lang.Object be aware of that the return value almost certainly will be subsituteted by any mock object, since all Objects inherits from java.lang.Object.

Advice Detail


around(): mockPointcut..

Executes when a mockPointcut pointcut is detected. If a mock has been registered, that object is allowed to execute, otherwise, the original code is allowed to proceed.

Throws Throwable - any Throwable thrown by the SurrogateManager or executing mock is catched and rethrown.

See also SurrogateManager.getMockExecutor ExceptionThrower


Constructor Detail


public SurrogateCalls()